concrete forming
BETOFILMTM concrete form plywood is produced in Finland in the same mills which manufacturer FinnForm, the industry benchmark for quality form plywood. BETOFILMTM utilizes an engineered lay up of a Finnish Birch face veneers with alternating inner plies of Spruce and Birch. BETOFILMTM is recognized as a quality alternative to overlaid plywoods.
Product Benefits:
- 9-ply panel construction in both 5/8" and 3/4" thickness
- Phenolic Surface Film (167g/m2) on both faces results in a balanced panel with two working sides.
- Finnish Birch hardwood face veneers are tight grained requiring fewer patches. This in turn reduces grain/patch transfer in concrete surfaces.
- Good reusability.
- Compatible with all quality release agents. Chemical reactive type release agents recommended. Since the panel film surfaces are non-absorptive, less release agent is required. Panel should be dry, free of surface dust/dirt prior to initial pour. Panels should be properly cleaned and maintained between pours. (Follow release agent manufacturers application instruction.)
- Available in 96" x 48" (face grain runs in short direction).
More Information:
Note: BETOFILMTM plywood is bonded with phenolic resin adhesive which is weather and boil proof. The bonding meets the requirements of the following standards: BS6566 1985 Type WBP, DIN 68705, BFU 100, SFS2415 and PS1-95 (USA).