FinnForm Data Sheet
The superior hardwood strength properties of Finnish White Birch combined with thin multiple veneer panel construction makes FinnForm the benchmark for quality in the plywood forming industry. The 200g/m2 phenolic surface film on both faces provides very high reusability while producing smooth, well-compacted concrete. That's why architects and specifiers select FinnForm for high profile concrete projects throughout the country. There's only one FinnFormeasily identified by its red colored film faces.
Characteristics of Concrete Form Plywood
Strength and Elasticity
The following data for FinnForm® was derived from thousands of in-use tests. The values are certified by the State Institute for Technical Research, Helsinki, Finland. A safety factor of 2.33 has been used in determining the allowable stresses. Deflection data were computed based on the formula: 
Tabled data is for FinnForm® only.
The structural data allows the form designer to predict with reasonable certainty, the maximum deflection that will occur under given loads. Consistent end-use results are dependent solely on proper form design and concrete placement practices.
Allowable Stresses For FinnForm®
A = Moisture Content less than 19%. B = Moisture Content 19% to 28%
Type of Stress |
AEffective Cross-section lbs./sq. in. |
BEffective Cross-section lbs./sq. in. |
Extreme fibre in bending
Face grain II to span, 5 plies
Face grain II to span, 7 plies or more
Face grainto span, 5 or 7 plies
Face grainto span, 9 plies or more
3600 3600 3200 3600 |
2500 2500 2180 2680 |
II to face grain, 5 or 7 plies
II to face grain, 9 plies or more
to face grain
3800 3600 3200 |
3380 3160 2650 |
II to face grain, 5 or 7 plies
II to face grain, 9 plies or more
to face grain
2250 2100 1850 |
1450 1300 1200 |
Recommended Moduli of Elasticity for FinnForm®
A = Moisture Content less than 19%. B = Moisture Content 19% to 28%
Type of Stress |
AEffective Cross-section lbs./sq. in. |
BEffective Cross-section lbs./sq. in. |
Bending (E) Tension Compression |
2,030,000 2,400,000 2,320,000 |
1,830,000 2,140,000 1,960,000 |
Moments of Intertia, Section Moduli and Areas for FinnForm®
All values are effective, i.e. only plies with grain direction parallel to the span are taken into account.
Sanded Plywood Thickness |
No. of Plies |
Face grain parallel to span- 12" widths |
Face grain perpendicular to span- 12" widths |
Nom. |
Act. |
Area Inches2 |
Section Modulus Inches3 |
Moments of Intertia Inches4 |
Area Inches2 |
Section Modulus Inches3 |
Moments of Intertia Inches4 |
Weight lbs./msf. (Approx) |
1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" |
0.256" 0.366" 0.472" 0.638" 0.747" |
5 7 9 12 14 |
1.75 2.41 3.17 4.34 4.98 |
0.0969 0.178 0.288 0.480 0.640 |
0.0124 0.0325 0.070 0.150 0.241 |
1.32 1.98 2.65 3.31 3.97 |
0.0527 0.120 0.225 0.395 0.555 |
0.00435 0.0166 0.045 0.112 0.183 |
930 1330 1765 2320 2715 |
Stock sizes: 8'x4', 10'x4', 12'x4', 8'x5', 10'x5', 12'x5'.
Please refer to FinnForm® Technical Bulletin "Care & Storage" for additional handling and usage information.
Concrete Forms
All data is based on support spacings in inches. Deflection 1/270 or 1/16" (.0625) moisture content less than 19%. All load tables should be used as guides only. Data emplyed assumes plywood will be used the strong way (face grain parallel to span). Note: FinnForm® is manufactured with the grain running in the narrow (4',5') direction unless otherwise noted. Plywood continuous over two (2) or more spans; support width minimum 1 1/2".
Structural Data: M.O.E. 2,030,000 |
S .0969 | 0.0124 f (Bending) 3,600# |
Max Loads at Indicated Spans: (PSF) |
5.5" 1380 |
6" 1162 |
8" 654 |
10" 418 |
11" 346 |
12" 290 |
13" 248 |
14" 214 |
Max Loads at 1/270 Spans: (PSF) |
5.5" 977 |
6" 752 |
8" 317 |
10" 163 |
11" 122 |
12" 94 |
13" 74 |
14" 53 |
Structural Data: M.O.E. 2,030,000 |
S .178 | 0.0325 f (Bending) 3,600# |
Max Loads at Indicated Spans: (PSF) |
6" 2134 |
8" 1200 |
10" 768 |
11" 636 |
12" 534 |
13" 456 |
14" 392 |
16" 300 |
Max Loads at 1/270 Spans: (PSF) |
6" 1972 |
8" 831 |
10" 426 |
11" 320 |
12" 246 |
13" 194 |
14" 155 |
16" 104 |
Structural Data: M.O.E. 2,030,000 |
S .288 | 0.070 f (Bending) 3,600# |
Max Loads at Indicated Spans: (PSF) |
6" 3453 |
8" 1942 |
10" 1243 |
12" 863 |
14" 634 |
16" 486 |
18" 384 |
20" 311 |
Max Loads at 1/270 Spans: (PSF) |
6" 3453 |
8" 1792 |
10" 917 |
12" 531 |
14" 343 |
16" 224 |
18" 157 |
20" 115 |
Structural Data: M.O.E. 2,030,000 |
S .480 | 0.150 f (Bending) 3,600# |
Max Loads at Indicated Spans: (PSF) |
8" 3237 |
10" 2072 |
12" 1439 |
14" 1057 |
16" 809 |
18" 639 |
20" 518 |
22" 429 |
Max Loads at 1/270 Spans: (PSF) |
8" 3237 |
10" 1966 |
12" 1137 |
14" 716 |
16" 480 |
18" 337 |
20" 245 |
22" 185 |
Structural Data: M.O.E. 2,030,000 |
S .640 | 0.241 f (Bending) 3,600# |
Max Loads at Indicated Spans: (PSF) |
8" 4316 |
10" 2762 |
12" 1918 |
14" 1409 |
16" 1079 |
18" 853 |
20" 691 |
22" 572 |
Max Loads at 1/270 Spans: (PSF) |
8" 4316 |
10" 2762 |
12" 1828 |
14" 1153 |
16" 772 |
18" 541 |
20" 395 |
22" 297 |
The data shown supercedes and replaces all previously published data for this product. January 1999